Sunday, August 15, 2010

My hard drive is full.

Lynn and I used this metaphor way back when hard drives held way less than 40 mg - we were begging money so that we COULD buy a 40 mg hard drive so that we could have the kids keep electronic portfolios. Well, now hard drives are way up in the gigs (nanos even?), and the analogy is still valid: my hard drive is full.
My mind is in constant overdrive. Sleep is elusive. Maybe 4 hours at a time. School, home, family. The trilogy.
I've banged away at the NBPTS renewal all summer. I am constantly revising - that's my MO for just about everything. I use ALL the time allotted to do and re-do whatever it is. It's not procrastination - I have typed all 4 PGEs, but I just keep revising and revising and revising.
Guilt - I'm not sure that's the right emotion, but it feels as if that's what it is. I feel guilty that I don't do more to help Daddy. There are SO many things I could do. However, I walk a fine line between helping and imposing. He despises having anyone do anything FOR him, and he certainly won't ask unless he is absolutely unable to accomplish the task. I need to let this go and just enjoy listening to the stories.
Enough of this. Biggie needs meds and Willy is waiting for love and food.
After that, it's time for coffee - one cup of full-strength. More than that wires me up. I'm out of decaf.

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